Sunday's featured event is the GI Golden State Million Futurity. Fastest qualifier Favorite Motion will try to improve his performance from trials night where he completed the 400 yards in 19.70 seconds.
We recorded the podcast but we had some issues in the post production and i've got a feeling that there is some sort of electronic interference going on. I was about to delete the file and just skip a week but given that it is a GI Million futurity night, I decided to clip some audio and publish it. Apologies in advance for the bad audio, we'll be back next week. Below are the links of the latest episode as well as picks from Curtis and me.
Anchor Spotify iTunes GPod
Curtis picks:
R5: 5-3-2
R6: 9-3-8
R7: 3-4-1
R8: 2-4-1
R9: 4-2-7
Curtis lock:
Race 8 #2 Unlymited
Jose picks:
R5: 3-5-6
R6: 9-3-2
R7: 3-1-4
R8: 2-1-4
R9: 7-4-1
Jose lock:
Race 6 #9 Jess Motions