
Salty Saturday

Hola Amigos,

Great card of racing on tap tonight at Los alamitos with both the early and late pick fours looking like they could pay big. Good fields and good racing all around. No analysis breakdown tonight as I am short on time and currently typing this post from my mobile phone. Gotta love mobility. Lets get to it.

Early pick 4 $20:

Race 1: 5,8 Race 2: 1 Race 3: 1,9 Race 4: 1,2,5,6,7

Late pick 4 $18:

Race 6: 8 Race 7: 1,3,4 Race 8: 5,8 Race 9: 3,4,7

Good luck at the ponies!

Follow me on twitter @LosPonies

Jose Contreras
I watch horses run around.

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